Welcome Message
I’m delighted to welcome you to the webpage of the School of Education and Leadership (SEL) at the University of Ghana (UG). The school is one of three schools at UG's College of Education. The departments that make up the school are Educational Studies and Leadership, Physical Education and Sports Studies, and Teacher Education. SEL is an outstanding choice for people who have aspirations in teaching, research, policy, and advocacy careers in education.
The school’s mandate is to educate and train high-quality teachers, physical educators, and administrators, at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It provides quality training that prepares its graduates for a career in the educational sector by leveraging on UG’s excellent library facilities combined with the available information technology and learning management systems.
The SEL’s scope encompasses the following areas: studies in education and leadership, teacher training and professional development and studies in physical education and sports. There is a rich diversity of undergraduate and postgraduate master’s courses tailored to meet the aspirations of students and boost their educational and professional capacities.
The School of Education and Leadership allows its students to embark on either the first approach to a teaching career or the non-teaching path through the hosted graduate and undergraduate programmes for professional career development as teachers in basic schools, senior high schools or as administrators. Majors in Early Childhood and Basic Education (Early Grade, Upper Grade, and JHS Specialism) as well as secondary education with concentrations in Mathematics, Science, and English, are available at the undergraduate level. The Early Grade Education major is in line with Ghana's early childhood education policy.
As a student of SEL, you are part of the wider University of Ghana academic community which has been contributing significantly to national and global advancement through cutting-edge research. UG’s outstanding faculty regularly share their scholarly output on various platforms. Students are therefore urged to participate in the many open lecture series, seminars and other educational and extra-curricular activities that take place to enhance their knowledge and competences. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the university’s excellent resources, information services and the Careers and Counselling Centre to complement their formal programme of study.
Thank you for visiting our school. I hope our programmes meet your professional and academic goals.
All the best!
Prof. Gordon S. K. Adika
Dean, School of Education and Leadership